Montana and Wyoming Wildlife and landscape Photography

"The mountains reserve their choicest gifts for those who stand upon their summits."
~Sir Frances Younghusband~
"The mountains reserve their choicest gifts for those who stand upon their summits."
~Sir Frances Younghusband~
The Wapiti Wolf Pack of Yellowstone National Park showing 18 members on
February 21, 2020. The black wolf, second from right, is #1155 wearing the radio collar. He is the one who was first caught in a trap, about ten miles north of the park, and then shot and killed by our governor on February 15, 2021, almost a year to the day since this photo was taken. Millions of people come to YNP each year just hoping to see sights like this. One person has now taken this animal away from us and our children's future. Would you rather see #1155 here, doing what he was born to do, or would you rather see his head and pelt hanging on a wall with the sole purpose of bolstering someone's fragile ego? In December of 2021 I learned that, so far, seven members of the Junction Butte Wolf Pack have been lured out of the park and killed by trappers, thanks to the shortsighted policies of our governor and the Montana Legislature. Now they want to do the same to the grizzlies. Montana, The Last Best Place or The Former Best Place?
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children."
~Native American Proverb~
Wild Turkeys
Mount Wilbur, Many Glacier Valley, Glacier National Park
An adult Bald Eagle sitting in its nest.
I began this project at the end of April 2023 and continued with it until mid-July when the two fledglings finally flew for the first time. I was able to begin this Bald Eagle project because of the two wonderful people who are the property owners and who gave me permission to wander their property in pursuit of these images. They have since become treasured friends and once again I wish to extend my sincere thanks to both of you for making this possible.
It's long been a feeling of mine that some people are ocean people, or desert, or city people and some are mountain people. I'm a mountain person and always have been even though I grew up in southeastern Minnesota surrounded by cornfields. I've been taking pictures since I was about 12 years old. Three days after graduating from high school I left home and came to Montana and was fortunate enough to find work with the Park Service in Glacier National Park for the next seven summers while continuing my education during the winter months in Minnesota and then in Missoula, Montana. I moved to Montana to be a part of the spirit of the people who live here and to be near the mountains and the beautiful scenery they provide and for the wildlife that live in these mountains and in this state.
I created this site as a means of simply sharing the things I see as important and beautiful in the world. My hope is that you will see something in my images that will help you to understand that all things are connected to one another. We are all part of the Circle of Life and everything that is here is here for a reason or it wouldn’t be here at all. Yvon Chouinard, a noted American climber, once said, “As we destroy nature we destroy ourselves. It’s a selfish thing to want to protect nature. To do good, you actually have to do something.”
My pictures are about the natural world. With them, I hope to raise awareness of what we have been given as a home here on this planet. This is “something” that I can do. So few people have looked into the eyes of a wild animal and learned to appreciate just what they are seeing. They are creatures that have societies, families and languages of their own. Just because we don’t understand them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I saw a PBS documentary a few years ago where a Native American said, “Everything in the world speaks. We must learn to listen.” If you choose to look at my photography, please, also try to listen.
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Right now, this site is primarily a portfolio so I have a place to direct people who are interested in viewing my work. If you are visiting, please comment on your experience here as your comments will help me to improve the site over time. Too, check back occasionally as I'll be adding new images from time to time. Thank you.
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